Heroism is the greatest bravery and courage that constantly guides our souls to participate in living activity called the Presence – the moment of realization that fighting for the cause and rationale makes sense and leads our actions. … bravery, recognition and the spirit of winning – the virtue of living …
says Ania
this moral concept of bravery and courage reserved for people who stand in the arena and despite failures, dust and sweat find their own two feet to come back as winners. Sometimes losing needs take pace to actually realise the greatness of the potential of future gains.
Being heroic is not given nor assigned at birth – it is a constant work of human morality and eternal commitment.
A hero is an individual of superior ability who pursues his goals constantly in the face of opposition. It is the achiever of life and a role model for generations that guides others on the importance of fulfilling life path goals, desires and wants.
In day to day activities, we all display virtues of heroism whether it is undertaking a completely new role or a challenge, changing professions, living a home country or moving houses … there is a certain dosage of courage always needed to make the first step and throw ourselves in the speed of life so later on no regrets, no “I should have… or should have not” scenarios form parts of our story.
This “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty that involves “firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty” is something that gives life meaning … standing up to our values, strengths, confronting fears, fighting various form of physical or intellectual attacks, financial dangers: values are constant and encourage hero posture always to gives stability and commitment. This moral hallmark of bravery and courage that allows people to remain stable despite the intensity of fear or threat.
The spirit of heroic behaviour is not founded on ordinary routines and comforting solutions – it is actually formed as the result of bravery in daily moments and experiencing life in its fullest light.
This edit of Alphabetica Notes pays respect to heroism, the value of experiencing unknown and taking risks, reframing obstacles into challenges on the pathway of the quality of living … |