‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all the wisdom’
/ Aristoteles
What exactly means being authentic? Being a human, being myself, being present, doing, feeling sensing, thinking, exploring, eating, drinking, walking, running, sleeping, talking…. ?
‘To find yourself, think for yourself’
/ Socrates
The principle of an authentic expression starts with that fullness of mind and the awareness’ moment of realisation that allows us to sign everything what we do, what we say, what we eat or drink, what we decide to do today or tomorrow, who we share our space and time with, what we stand for, who we invite to our world, with our own { real } name… it means that there is no ambiguity, no anxiety, no fear, no drama, no hesitation attached to our choices, it is the feeling of a total alignment with that inner voice and the very self-belief that this is our path …
Authentic living is simple, it is directed solely by the choices we make in life, it is the continuous process of checking with our own selves how we feel or what we think about particular decisions we are just about to make. It is a kind of the best friends’ chat, a friendly advise that one would give another with the very best interest at their hearts, it is that internal mother-child voice that would protect us from danger while making sure we push ourselves to explore the new and yet unknown. Being authentic means listening ONLY our own soul desires, mind needs and heart motives… it is acknowledging others while putting our own wellbeing first for the further benefit of being able to support those who need us and respect us the most.
Experiencing art is the representation of the unconditional truth towards our own being, it is the very basic instinct that guides our feelings, judgement, and senses. The purity of non-spoilt by outside influences, the near-to-virgin very first moments of expressing own perceptions of feel, sight, touch, smell, sound associated with a particular piece deserves the name of being authentic.
‘You can’t fake authenticity’
/ Mark Shaefer
The simple joy that flows from the true self-expression is the value of being authentic without the need of explaining… the purity of thinking, feeling and multi-sensori communicating…