‘They broke the wrong parts of me. They broke my wings and forgot I have claws’
/ Unknown
Determination, the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you, defines Collins Dictionary. A feeling that empowers you and drives the need to do the most incredible things… possible especially for yourself. Believing is already being halfway there… being determined is the exhilaration of every single moment you make a decision upon to what you have promised to do…
‘I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become ‘
/ C G Jung
Determination { /dɪˌtəːmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ }, the act or an instance of making a decision, the condition of being determined; resoluteness; the act or an instance of ending an argument by the opinion or decision of an authority, according to Cambridge Dictionary, a strong power and a belief that everything that is planned is there for achieving, and, something that represents the essence of being our own true selves.
The art of an individual selection of thoughts that fill our minds, qualities that direct our choices and values that are engraved in our lives is the intentional expression of our drive, that inner purpose and meaning of our being. Every day decisions that accompany our human nature are entirely and unconditionally ours, even though sometimes it might feel like they are influenced by so-called external circumstances, others or our own limitations, those daily moments of living are shaped by our intentions, decisions, and stick-to-it-stubbornness.
Living purposefully with the sense of tenacity and strong-mindedness is not something that is genetically inherited, it is something continuously created, reframed, re-evaluated, may be adjusted and finally improved in the stream of conscious living. Human beings have this incredible power to connect, with other individuals, events or acquired information, to make use of those connections by inventing new possibilities to act, think or live. Everything, however, starts with the decision, the backbone, the internal focus, the pluck, the persistence to actually be part of the process rather than observing it. To be determined ….
The right of self-determination is the fundamental of international law, giving human beings the power to govern own living with a full respect of fairness, equality and opportunity. In 1918, US President Woodrow Wilson shared ‘Self-determination’ is not a mere phrase; it is an imperative principle of action.
The purpose of being determined does not need any uber- encouragement to be exercised, it sometimes just needs a tiny notch on a back, a silent reminder that it is still there, it possibly could just benefit from being revisited, maybe adjusted to new challenges or find new possibilities. A determination is not a complete stage of any process, it is the force, the strength, the willpower and the focus that makes an execution possible, transforming thoughts into actions, words into events and dreams into reality…