Being free means being non-tight to anything that might threat our will, being non-conformative, creative, and willing to experience various shades of lives, immersed in the beauty of experiences ... being curious and never afraid, being strong and willing to experience and be exposed to new challenges says Ania   Freedom is the only [...]


Being free means being non-tight to anything that might threat our will, being non-conformative, creative, and willing to experience various shades of lives, immersed in the beauty of experiences … being curious and never afraid, being strong and willing to experience and be exposed to new challenges

says Ania


Freedom is the only constitutional right that is given to every single human being from the moment of his/her birth. It is the guaranteed privilege of responsibility for own action, thoughts, reactions, words, behaviour and choices. It is respect for life … respect for quality … and respect for actions as the result of our brain status at particular moments |


Freedom of feeling is rooted in our very primary ability to experience the world around us via senses and their power to impact our perception of the world. As human beings, we have the power to control our actions, our emotions and our reactions to what is happening around us. In reality, our brain and its neurological wirings are responsible for its state and the state of our thoughts and consequent actions. As much as we can control our actions and reactions, we do not have the total control of over our brain, we can encourage and channel its thoughts but oftentimes we do not have the power to influence the next thing that comes to our thinking …. it just happens. Therefore, the most critical element that we have the control over is our choice –  the selection of the most beneficial way for us to think, surround ourselves with it, physically if possible, or using the power of imagination |


Thinking as it happens oftentimes rooted in fear can cause a turmoil of emotions that actually limit out freedom as they focus on the one and only known perspective. Decisions appear in consciousness but to be the real and the true expressions of our actions need to appear in conscious thinking results of which are actions | 



Being free to experience feelings in their true beauty in life that is founded on authentic ability to encounter allows our own true “self”  to be exposed to the authenticity of life …  for our own advantage of living quality life |


The freedom of expression is another level of beautiful authentic life.  Multicultural perceptions, ideas and presentations embraced by a diverse portfolio of human explorers who experience and constantly co-create the unique dimensions of living to allow us to see the benefits of enjoying the freedom of expressing our own true desires and dreams |


The lesson of this edit of Alphabetica Notes aims to encourage to express freely our own needs, wants and desires as long as they serve the quality of living and have the chance to inspire others … Free Your Mind | Free Your Brain | Free Your Will … Feel it !



The ony real feeling of freedom is the quality of being fearless, resillient and attracted to the beauty of experiences | This unique ability to see the light in new experiences and breath in ever microsecond of the essence of new aesthetical uniqueness of each experience enriches the meaning of our lives … providing the canvas to paint on and develop character  … being yourself … constantly changing | Always


/ A A Drzewiecka


Freedom, the quality of living, the beauty of liberty, oftentimes not appreciated and taken for granted, evaluated or simply unnoticed but when lost we miss its wholeness so much that we tend to unable to find our own selves in the new reality of lack of freedom. Stop Here. NOW. Reverse. Read: freedom is the quality of my mind, my life, my thinking and my way, nothing is stopping me from my true expression of feelings, emotions, thoughts and needs – the only frames are the frames of common sense and sense of achievement this is freedom.

Freedom, according to the Collins Dictionary represents

1. personal liberty, as from slavery, bondage, serfdom
2. liberation or deliverance
3. the quality or state of being free, political and civil liberties
4. the state of being without something unpleasant or bad; exemption or immunity
5. the right or privilege of unrestricted use or access the freedom of a city
6. autonomy, self-government, independence
7. the power or liberty to order one’s own actions
8. philosophy – the quality, the will or the individual, of not being totally constrained; able to choose between alternative actions in identical circumstances
9. ease or frankness of manner;
10. excessive familiarity of manner; boldness
11. ease and grace, as of movement; lack of effort


A state of mind that empowers us to express our feelings, emotions, thoughts and sometimes slightly eccentric viewpoints, desires or ideas to be designed into living …



Freedom is an illusion, it is only the way we think but in reality it is the way we think based on the background causes of which consciously we are not aware but they emerge from the way we were being brought up. The only real freedom we have is the freedom to think and this is the true and only real power engraved in our DNAs

/ Dr A A Drzewiecka

The ony real feeling of freedom is the quality of being fearless, resillient and attracted to the beauty of experiences | This unique ability to see the light in new experiences and breath in ever microsecond of the essence of new aesthetical uniqueness of each experience enriches the meaning of our lives … providing the canvas to paint on and develop character  … being yourself … constantly changing | Always


/ A A Drzewiecka


Being free means being non-tight to anything that might threat our will, being non-conformative, creative, and willing to experience various shades of lives, immersed in the beauty of experiences … being curious and never afraid, being strong and willing to experience and be exposed to new challenges

says Ania


Freedom is the only constitutional right that is given to every single human being from the moment of his/her birth. It is the guaranteed privilege of responsibility for own action, thoughts, reactions, words, behaviour and choices. It is respect for life … respect for quality … and respect for actions as the result of our brain status at particular moments |


Freedom of feeling is rooted in our very primary ability to experience the world around us via senses and their power to impact our perception of the world. As human beings, we have the power to control our actions, our emotions and our reactions to what is happening around us. In reality, our brain and its neurological wirings are responsible for its state and the state of our thoughts and consequent actions. As much as we can control our actions and reactions, we do not have the total control of over our brain, we can encourage and channel its thoughts but oftentimes we do not have the power to influence the next thing that comes to our thinking …. it just happens. Therefore, the most critical element that we have the control over is our choice –  the selection of the most beneficial way for us to think, surround ourselves with it, physically if possible, or using the power of imagination |


Thinking as it happens oftentimes rooted in fear can cause a turmoil of emotions that actually limit out freedom as they focus on the one and only known perspective. Decisions appear in consciousness but to be the real and the true expressions of our actions need to appear in conscious thinking results of which are actions.


Being free to experience feelings in their true beauty in life that is founded on authentic ability to encounter allows our own true “self”  to be exposed to the authenticity of life …  for our own advantage of living quality life |


The freedom of expression is another level of beautiful authentic life.  Multicultural perceptions, ideas and presentations embraced by a diverse portfolio of human explorers who experience and constantly co-create the unique dimensions of living to allow us to see the benefits of enjoying the freedom of expressing our own true desires and dreams |


The lesson of this edit of Alphabetica Notes aims to encourage to express freely our own needs, wants and desires as long as they serve the quality of living and have the chance to inspire others … Free Your Mind | Free Your Brain | Free Your Will … Feel It!



Freedom is the word for an opportunity |

A A Drzewiecka

“Freedom for me is to think what I want to thin and do not apologise for it, to take the full responsibility for my actions and to find always the free moment to engage in the aesthetics of living via art, nature and discovering thoughts, the quality of daily moments … “

mastering the perfect moment of expression of our own unique self | Be free … ”  Dr Ania A Drzewiecka