This entrainment site for meetings, a cultural exchange and an engaging dialogue, the theatre area of Pompeii might be a today’s equivalent of a social media platform that allows spectators to get familiar with the new trendy “go-to” events, plays and topic for discussions. The theatrical experience of Pompeii starts with the surroundings, the main buildings that make up the area, the Amphitheatre, the Large Theatre, the Odeon (small theatre), and the Quadriporticus. Most of the theatres were adapted for gladiatorial performances during the reign of the Roman empire.
The Amphitheatre
The earliest Roman amphitheatre that wasn’t built out of wood but for the very first time ever in history, the stone was the material, similarly to Colosseum { Rome }, it was privately funded by Quinctius Valgus and Marcius Porcius around 70 BC.