Life whispering moments … physical, personal, emotional space…
Whispers, if not heard, get louder and then turn into a problem then it transforms into a brick then into a crisis and finally into the greatest disaster ever…
Whispers, if not heard, get louder and then turn into a problem then it transforms into a brick then into a crisis and finally into the greatest disaster ever…
Hear the whispers, acknowledge the whispers and then do something about them – this is the recipe for preventing a disaster from happening and taking a turn on our lives. All experiences tell us something about life … whisper tiny little messages to communicate a message to us. to direct our attention to something important that matters to our presence and future being …
Let’s meet: attention from Latin attendere [ /əˈtɛnʃ(ə)n/ ] that can be translated into participating, being aware and conscious as well as observing and hearing with the fullest awareness and visibility to the best of our potential
Paying attention is to be brave and to wholly participate in the event, it is almost like meditation that is directed into a concept and presence of a particular phenomenon
Attention equals awareness, it is the conscious superpower that allows people to take a step back after participating in a particular moment. It is the full presence of being at the time when an event happens, it is the eyes and ears of a scenario.
Listening whispering voices in the head sometimes allows things to not to come out of the blue and happen to us, rather there are some visible signs in front of us that can only be perceived when we pay the almighty “attention”.
There is no room for claiming we are too busy, too little time and too many things … everybody is in the same scenario of engagement in many various things – the value is the attention to moments, to life, to words and signs. Looking at your own life, the energy we put out comes back… not absorbing in others’ people problems allows us to live and participate to the fullest essence of presence.
No time for ignorance, no judgement. No time for questioning …. the answers are there, pay attention to life! Get it in the whisper and the brick wall does not have to appear, fall and crash against our will.
Recommended Reads
Psychology of Attention by H.Pashler { here } – a study about the value of attention in the research of perception and cognition. A bewildering array of findings included in The Psychology of Attention take a shape of a systematic review of the main concepts investigated in the research on attention such as perception, stimuli to memory storage as well as decision-making processes. Worth-taking a look study that can stimulate a cognitive discussion on the actual value that attention brings to life …
Paying attention to life means not only being fully aware of what is happening around us on the conscious level … it is also the biological dimension of being. Vit A – the light of development and growth. The ultimate source that supports the immune system, and good vision which both automatically encourage attention to life. Being fully present means enjoying every single dimension of our existence. To help us to do so, the human brain and body need Vitamin A – a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds (retinol, retinal, and carotenoids).
1. Sweet Potato (cooked) — 204% DV per serving
1 cup: 1,836 mcg (204% DV) 100 grams: 1,043 mcg (116% DV)
2. Winter Squash (cooked) — 127% DV per serving
1 cup: 1,144 mcg (127% DV) 100 grams: 558 mcg (62% DV)
3. Kale (cooked) — 98% DV per serving
1 cup: 885 mcg (98% DV) 100 grams: 681 mcg (76% DV)
4. Collards (cooked) — 80% DV per serving
1 cup: 722 mcg (80% DV) 100 grams: 380 mcg (42% DV)
5. Turnip Greens (cooked) — 61% DV per serving
1 cup: 549 mcg (61% DV) 100 grams: 381 mcg (42% DV)
6. Carrot (cooked) — 44% DV per serving
1 medium carrot: 392 mcg (44% DV) 100 grams: 852 mcg (95% DV)
7. Sweet Red Pepper (raw) — 29% DV per serving
1 large pepper: 257 mcg (29% DV) 100 grams: 157 mcg (17% DV)
8. Swiss Chard (raw) — 16% DV per serving
1 leaf: 147 mcg (16% DV) 100 grams: 306 mcg (34% DV)
9. Spinach (raw) — 16% DV per serving
1 cup: 141 mcg (16% DV) 100 grams: 469 mcg (52% DV)
10. Romaine Lettuce (raw) — 14% DV per serving
1 large leaf: 122 mcg (14% DV) 100 grams: 436 mcg (48% DV)